6 Easy Workouts That Really Makes You to Lose Weight Fast

Once I went to a theater to watch a movie. As it was a sunny day, i got fainted and sat on a wall nearby. The 12year old girl who was standing near me looked at me and asked her elder sister that "Is she pregnant?”
 Really I laughed at that moment and later I realized how heavy I was. And then I decided to lose weight. This is the reason why I didn't write about weight loss. I was heavy and fat, and I decided to write about weight loss after I lost my weight. Now I am fit and healthy. 

 I started from very small exercises and did a lot of workouts. I am so happy now that I had lost weight. These are the simple and very effective exercises that I worked out in my home, and that will burn high calorie. The main thing is I didn't go to the gym. I did all in my home and look perfect now.

#1. Rope Jump:

Rope jump is the common exercise and activity which we all know. I used to jump the rope since childhood. When i googled for weight loss exercise, i found rope jump or skipping is the very best exercise and high calorie burning exercise that workouts all the body parts.

All you need to do this is skipping rope. Start gradually by doing 20-30 jumps for 5 minute. Give some rest to your body and then start do it again. Gradually increase your speed to do more jumps.

 #2. Pushup:

Pushups are the best way to lose fat in arms, hands. Pushup also helps you to tighten your belly.It is an effective way to strengthen your muscles.

Consider a face down position on the floor with your feet set together. Curl your toes upward. Begin to lower your body and make a straight line from head to heel. Draw the shoulder back to its place. Repeat it for 10-20 times.

#3. Crunches:

Crunches are the ever best exercise to reduce belly fat.  Its a magical exercise which makes you to lose belly fat fastly.

Lie down on the floor with your knees bent and feet on the ground.
Place your hands behind your head and keep them crossed.
Inhale deeply and lift your upper torso off the floor and exhale.
Inhale as you get back down and inhale as you came up.
Do this 20-40 times a day.

#4. Squats:

Squat is the perfect lower body exercise to get great looking thighs and butt.
Stand straight and extend the arms straight.

Inhale, send your hip backwards and keep bending your knees. Your shoulders and chest must be upright. Exhale while returning back to the position.


Start with the pushup position.Lower your forearms to the ground so that your fist is flat to the ground. 

Curl your toes upward to the ground. Straighten your body, Keep your neck and spine neutral.Hold this position for 30 seconds and return back to position.Repeat it for 10-15 times a day. 

#6.. Bicycle exercise:

 Lie on the floor and keep your hands on heads as crunches. Lift both legs off to the ground.Bring your right knee close to the chest keeping your left leg out and vice versa.
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Do these exercise regularly and I am sure you will find results.