Simple and Easy Home Remedies For Pimple

Pimple is the common problem to those who have oily skin. You can easily get rid of pimple just by using simple homemade remedies. These are the remedies I have tried and it has good results on my skin.

Lemon Juice:

 Lemon juice is always the best remedy for all skin problems. You can apply lemon juice everyday to get clear skin.

            Take some lemon juice and apply it on the pimple before sleeping. Wash off your face in the morning. Lemon not only removes pimple it also remove scars.

            It is the best method to get rid of pimple instantly. You may have beauty contest tomorrow but you have pimple on your face which eventually spoils your beauty. Then Toothpaste is the best remedy to get rid of pimple in overnight. 

            Toothpaste contains silica which reduces the size of pimple in overnight. But do not use the toothpaste which has sodium lauryl salpate which may irritate some skin. Take a pinch of Toothpaste and apply it on your pimple. Wash the face in the morning.
Ice cubes:

Ice cubes are also a best way to get rid of pimple. Take an ice cube and rub it on your. It also freshen your skin.
Tomato Juice:
             Tomatoes are high in anti-oxidants.Tomatoes are very useful in treating damaged skin. Cut the tomato and rub it on your pimple. 

You can apply tomato juice mixed with olive oil on your skin. It will rejuvenate your skin.

1 comment:

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